
Moodicons is the best way to use emoticons

Existing Moodicons : 1116

Ready to use

We know you love add some moods into your text, thats why we picked some of the best emoticons of the list, to create a ready-to-use stylesheet that you can use on every web-project you want !

Download Moodicons

You just have to add this line to your head

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/moodicons.css">

And simply use it this way :

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy <span class="mood-lazy-dog"></span>

The output will be :

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy

The ready to use moodicons are..

Name Class result
Fuck you mood-fu
Party together mood-party-together
Anger table mood-anger-table
Big Love mood-big-love
Lazy Dog mood-lazy-dog
Lazy Pig mood-lazy-pig
Running Pig mood-running-pig
Angry Pig mood-angry-pig
Suspicious Pig mood-suspicious-pig
Head Wink Large mood-head-wink-large
Head Wink Large Right mood-head-wink-large-right
Head Wink mood-head-wink
Head Kiss mood-head-kiss
Head Wink Happy mood-head-wink-happy
Here is your coffee mood-here-is-your-coffee
Here is your Coffee Screaming mood-here-is-your-coffee-screaming
Here is your coffee Shy mood-here-is-your-coffee
Here is your Coffee Happy mood-here-is-your-coffee-screaming
Here is your Coffee Humble mood-here-is-your-coffee-screaming